All posts by pcva

New Lawsuit Against Thomas Hacker and Boy Scouts of America

Thomas Hacker abused dozens of Boy Scouts in the Chicago area while he was a Scout leader and volunteer.  In December , we filed a lawsuit against Hacker, the Boy Scouts, and the Chicago Area Council on behalf of a man who was abused by Hacker in the mid-1980s.  This week we filed a lawsuit against Hacker and the Burbank Park District, where Hacker worked with children in the 1980s.  Click “Read More” to read documents about Hacker.

Documents Regarding Thomas Hacker:

December 2012:  Doe v. Thomas Hacker, Boy Scouts of America, and Chicago Area Council

February 26, 1970:  Letter from Scout Executive Discussing Hacker’s Evasion Tactics

October 27, 1971:  Letter from One Scout Executive to Another Discussing Hacker’s Name Change and Re-Joining of Scouts

February 21, 2013:  More Cry Sex Abuse in Case of Convicted Boy Scout Leader

February 20, 2013:  Four more lawsuits filed against pedophile, CPS, Burbank Park District

February 20, 2013:  Convicted pedophile, employers named in lawsuits